The father of modern plastic surgery
Inventor of positron emission tomography
The creator of diagnostic equipment for magnetic resonance imaging
The founder of transplantation in medicine
Founder of microsurgery
Beginning with Mkhitar Heratsi to the modern doctors, the Armenian nation had always distinguished for his inventions in medicine.
Varaztad Kazanjian, the father of modern plastic surgery. Dr. Kazanjyan’s innovation was the first plastic surgery experiment thanks to which he was awarded the title of professor of plastic surgery at Harvard.
Michel Ter-Pogossian, inventor of positron emission tomography. Today, CT equipment is one of the most important and significant inventions in medicine and it thanks to the great efforts of the nuclear professor Michel Ter-Poghosyan.
Raymond Vahan Damadian, the creator of diagnostic equipment for magnetic resonance imaging. Damadyan is considered the creator of magnetic resonance imaging equipment which made it possible to heal many diseases faster and more effective and save millions of lives.
John Najarian, the founder of transplantation in medicine. John Nadjaryan created completely a new direction in medicine due to which medicine has reached high level in that field.
Hrayr Shahinian, founder of microsurgery. Hrayr Shahinyan considered the founder of endoscopic surgery technique which is used for the treatment of various craniocerebral injuries.
The Armenian inventors and their innovations are also mentioned in, presenting the most significant physicians of Armenia who have a great investment in the world medicine.