Cryotherapy (treatment involving
extremely low temperatures)
In April 2016, Avangard Medical Center introduced the only cryosauna technique of its kind in Armenia. Cryosauna is one of the cryotherapy methods . The appearance of the cryosauna reminds vertical solarium filled with liquid nitrogen. The temperature inside the cryo chamber varies from -130 °С to -140 °С and it is impossible to stay there longer than 3 minutes.
Aero cryotherapy is a method of cooling of the surface layer of the skin (below neck) by mixture of dry air stream and nitrogen without body overcooling.
Cryosauna technique stimulates the vital processes of the organism, in particular activates the endocrine and immune systems. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsive, anti- edematous properties. It also improves blood circulation.
As a result of cryosauna procedure the self-regenerative process of organism starts with the regulative activation of immune and endocrine systems.
Cryosauna treatment may lead to excellent results in curing various diseases such as: neurosis, depression, psoriasis, arthritis, sexual disorders (experienced by males and females), etc.
Cryotherapy improves a superficial blood flow which in turn means that it improves skin condition and promotes rejuvenation.
After a short overcooling process metabolic activation starts which can lead to weight loss.
Cryotherapy treatment procedure
Patient enters a cryochamber (chryosauna), which is filled with cold dry air and nitrogen. After 15 minutes the temperature in chamber ranges from – 130С° to -140°С.
As a result of cold dry air and nitrogen mixture, cold air considerably differs from that of icy water; therefore it does not cause a feeling of displeasure, but rather the opposite.
Cryotherapy treatment is useful when the temperature of the outer layer of skin up to depth of 17 mm is below 0°С.
The rapid overcooling of the outer layer of skin is safe.
During the process of skin overcooling nerve receptors send strong signals to the brain leading to so-called "shock'' of the brain regulatory center which in turn ''eliminates' body irregulations.
Practice has revealed that cryotherapy procedure cures even the most severe diseases.
Therapeutic effects of cryotherapy
• Local
• General
General use of cryotherapy treatment activates the central nervous system, which helps to cure neurosis and depression. Local cryotherapy improves superficial blood flow.
Watch the video about treatment procedure here.
Price List
The price for 1 session: 8000 AMD
1 treatment course (10 sessions): 70 000 AMD