Director of "IZMIRLYAN" SMC, Chairman of Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery Chair of YSMU after M. Heratsi, Executive director of “Armenian Orthopedists and Traumatologists International Association”, MS, Associate professor, traumatologist-orthopedist
The radiology department of Izmirlian Medical Center is equipped with state of the art equipments through which the specialists of MC can provide a high quality medical treatment. On this occasion, a conference entitled ''The application of multi-scale MRI in neurological practice'' was held at the meeting hall of Izmirlian MC. Among the attendees of the conference were radiologists, neurologists, oncologists and other specialists.
The radiology department of Izmirlian Medical Center was founded in 2015. The MC is equipped with state of the art medical appliances. The department has Magnetic resonance imaging scanner, computer tomography, digital and mobile X-ray machines, two electronic optical and Ultrasound devices.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging is 1,5 tesla and has great programming possibilities unlike other applicable devices. The computer tomography has the possibility of three dimensional reconstruction, whereas with the help of X-ray device it is possible to get new images with new projections, as well compare the new image with the old one.
As an examination method, the MRI has indispensible role in the process of diagnosis of various diseases, especially during lesion of the organs of central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, as well as abdominal parenchymal organs.
The MR Imaging of last generation makes it possible to carry out magnetic resonance examination of heart, lungs and digestive system organs.
MR mammography is the latest application of MRI which is safe and has no age restriction.