Arshak E. Mirzoyan, MD, DMS, Head of YCLLR, trained and worked in Kurgan, Russia, directly under the leadership of Professor Ilizarov from 1980 to 1989.
During that time he successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation on treatment of congenital pseudoarthrosis with the Ilizarov technique.
Dr. Mirzoyan returned Armenia the next day after the earthquake in December, 1988 and established the department of restorative orthopedic at Mikaelyan Surgical Center.
In 1993 Dr. Mirzoyan was invited to Portland, Oregon, USA, where he practiced for two years as a licensed visiting professor.
From there he was invited to Denmark to help to establish an Ilizarov center in Aalborg city.
In 1998 he came back to Armenia and established the Yerevan Center of Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction and the Armaveni Charitable Foundation.
In 2003, in Ilizarov Center in Kurgan, Russia, he successfully defended his scientific dissertation for Doctor of Medicine degree.
The topic of the dissertation was "Use of Ilizarov Method in Cases of Mass Admission of Patients with Severe Trauma".
In his more than 35 years of practice, he has treated over 2500 patients worldwide, he is a co-author of three monographs and over 60 papers in various medical publications.